Friday, September 21, 2007

"Sonnet" by Billy Collins

In this poem by Billy Collins, the line that stuck out to me the most was "Blow out the candles and come at last to bed. Patriarch was writing so much that his wife asked him to basically stop writing and go to bed. It seems like she was getting annoyed and aggravated that he kept writing and spent more attention on the things that he was writing instead of on her. She seems to be a person who got jealous that she got less attention.

It seems like writing is something that this man loves to do. When you love to do something so much, it is hard to just stop and go do something else. It is like when your mother tells you to stop doing something and go eat dinner, it is hard because you don't even want to take a break. I can relate to this man. Although I don't like to read, I do like to write stories and I understand how hard it is to stop when someone tells you too.

I feel like the man's wife doesn't respect his decision to write or read like he does. She seems to want all that attention that her husband is giving to the book. I don't think that this relationship would work because if she doesn't respect something that he loves to do, then why would Patriarch want to stay with her? If Patriarch is spending way too much time on his work, then I would understand why the woman feels that his work is taking over too much of his time and maybe he should just take a break.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Summer Day by Mary Oliver

In this poem by Mary Oliver, it talks about a woman who seems to question everything about her life. She wants to know who made the world and what she should do with her life. She realizes that life is too short to sit around and do nothing with it. She wants to live her life to the fullest and so in the end she won't have to live with regret or ask herself, "Why didn't I?" or tell herself, "I should have done....". She knows that life will go so fast that she doesn't want to miss out on anything.

The woman in this poem also seems like she is confused about what she is here on Earth and what she was put here to do. She seems like a religious person and she knows that God put here on this planet for a reason and she feels bad that she can't figure out what that reason is. She isn't sure what she is supposed to do with her life and that bothers her because she wants to live her life to the fullest, but that is hard to do if she doesn't know what she's on Earth to do.

The woman was holding an insect in her hand. Most women get really nervous when an insect is near them, never mind in their hand. This shows how much this woman enjoys life. She isn't afraid to try anything new or take life for granted like most people do. She takes each slow summer day one at a time and enjoys it for what it's worth because one day she won't be here anymore and she doesn't want to miss out.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Jet by Tony Hoagland

This poem had a lot of imagery in it. The man compared a lot of random things with a different meaning. It talks about things like a big sky river and crickets who plug in their appliances. There is no river in the sky and crickets can't plug in appliances. So this poem is not very realistic, but it gives off a sense of the different views that people can have about the world. Imagination can make a simple action seem like an adventure.

I feel that the man who is writing this is drunk. He talks about drinking jet fuel, but I don't think any person would want to drink jet fuel for fun. I think that the man likes to drink alcohol because it helps him escape from the problems of life. He seems to enter another world created by his imagination. In his own world, he can make anything that he wants to encounter actually happen.

When he talks about remembering the bright unbroken planet, I think that he is finally realizing that he has to get back to reality. The alcohol cannot take away from the reality of the world that he is living in. He says that he is amazed at how hurt he is, and I think that he is talking about the obstacles that life can throw at you. It seems like the author is realizing that he wants to feel like he is free, but the only way that he can gain that feeling is to drink and not return to the reality of his life.
Y Just to make sure this works. =]